
Showing posts from May, 2018

Summer 2018 Bucket List

As I am writing this is it currently 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside and it's May 12, 2018. When I was driving to work today I had the biggest urge to just take a right and go tubing down the Chattahoochee River. With every window down in my Dodge Avenger, Kalyn Nicholson's Spotify playlist "spirit animal" blaring at a volume of 25, with my hand hanging out the window floating on the wind that passed me, I realized that I want to be "Living my Best Life" especially this Summer.  I mean is it officially Summer time yet? Probably not, I'm not sure... but it feels like it already is. And with that, I've already started making a bucket list of things I want to do this summer & I thought I would share, plus tbh Kalyn's latest blog post is about her bucket list & she just INSPIRES THE ABSOLUTE CRAP OUT OF ME!  2018 Summer Bucket List:  Go trout fishing with my Dad, because even though he's 60 he's never fished on a ri



Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert- Book Review

I cannot believe how fast I finished this book. Honestly, I started bringing it with me to work and it was all over from there.  My goodness... this book is incredible, especially if you're a creative. I highly suggest this book to anyone and everyone interested in bettering your mind (even if you don't have a creative bone in your body, which I believe we all must.)  In a nut-shell Liz Gilbert tells you to get over your fear and jump into the world of creativity. Show your work. Be proud of your work. But never take it too seriously.  There's a ton of great stories from her life & also some of her acquaintances lives as well that help to show you that you're not the only person on this planet who's ever had to go through creative "stump" or a creative brain fart, or even just fear of creating something.  My favorite story comes from early on in the book, which I won't spoil for you by telling you any details, but BY GEORGE it'



Boost Your Mood

We all have those times where we're just blah, or maybe even sad, mad, anxious, whatever. Sure, you can stay that way and just sort through the issues surrounding it or you can do simple little things to make you feel much better. I know that for me I can get into these moods where I just really don't even care to wash my hands and when I realize that I'm in those moods I like to refer to this list of things and pick just one to pull myself out of this funk that I'm in... Sunshine: Just sitting outside can bring so much joy and peace to you its unreal. Take a cup of joe outside and just soak up the sunshine & caffeine. Open your shades on your windows and let the little rays of happiness shine into your house, work space, wherever- I promise you'll feel more energized to get that cleaning done that you've got to do but just don't want to. Go for a walk, alone, with your dog, or even a friend... the sunshine alon

How I Promote My YouTube Videos On Social Media- How To YouTube 101

Here's to the final video & final blog post in my How To YouTube 101 series! If you haven't seen the videos yet then just click here: Today's post is going to be How I use Social Media to Promote my videos- basically the best things I've found in order to get the word out that I've posted a new video. Like I always say, I'm no expert in fact I'm not even at 1,000 subscribers yet but I have been at this for a while & I'm a book worm so I'm always studying on how to improve. I'm going to do this in sections like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. & I'm also going to put them in the order that my YouTube Analytics say brings in the most views. So let's just get into it! INSTAGRAM: I will usually (not all the time, but most of the time) post a picture on my feed that's relevant to my video & caption it something cute or witt

How I Film & Edit my YouTube Videos- How To YouTube 101

We're on to the 3rd video in my 4 part video series on How To YouTube 101! & with a 3rd video comes a 3rd blog post. I really don't know how I'm going to explain what I use in a blog post, but I'm going to try! In case this makes no sense then just click here to watch the video Okay so first things first, EQUIPMENT I USE: Canon EOS Rebel t5 (DSLR) Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark ii  ("vlogging camera") Soft Box Lighting (3 for 1 price) 55" Camera Tripod HOW I FILM: I will usually film with my DSLR & since it doesn't have a flip screen view finder I will plug it up to my laptop using the USB cord that came with the camera, as well as the EOS Utility software that I've downloaded onto my laptop. So I have "remote" access to my camera from my laptop screen which is cool if you ask me! But recently it's been easier to just pull out my Canon G7 X Mark ii and use that. (life's been busy &a

Best Practices For YouTube- How To YouTube 101

Currently, on my channel, I have a video series going on called How To YouTube 101. In this series I talk about the things that I have learned over my past 2 years being on YouTube, and hopefully I'll end up helping someone out there to achieve their dreams! This blog post is from the 2nd video in this series and it's all about the best things you can do to optimize your channel growth & boost your watch time & subscriber count. If you want to watch the video then just click here:    Consistency is key to YouTube and its algorithm. Like I mentioned in my Things to Know before You Start a YouTube Channel (blog post & video) having an uploading schedule can benefit you sooooo freaking much. So, right now my uploading schedule is every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday that's when I will post a new video. I’m still figuring out the best times to post so I don’t have a “time” per say but I do try and upload 3 times a week. When you’r

5 Things To Know Before You Start A YouTube Channel- How To YouTube 101

Currently, on my channel, I have a video series going on called How To YouTube 101. In this series I talk about the things that I have learned over my past 2 years being on YouTube, and hopefully I'll end up helping someone out there to achieve their dreams!  I thought it would be cool to just make a blog post using the notes I wrote out for this series. This is from the 1st video in the series and if you want to check it out click this link: From here on out (the 2 videos left in this series, I mean) I will post the blog post on the same day the video goes up on my channel.  So if you're a small YouTuber and need some incite, inspiration, motivation, or just are interested then here we go:  What is your niche? Your niche can be absolutely anything! Beauty, Fashion, Hacks, DIY’s Travel, Outdoors, Adventures, Pranks, etc. My niche, I would have to say, is Lifestyle, which is mostly things that spark joy and inspiration in my life per