How I Film & Edit my YouTube Videos- How To YouTube 101

We're on to the 3rd video in my 4 part video series on How To YouTube 101! & with a 3rd video comes a 3rd blog post. I really don't know how I'm going to explain what I use in a blog post, but I'm going to try! In case this makes no sense then just click here to watch the video

Okay so first things first,

Canon EOS Rebel t5 (DSLR)
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark ii ("vlogging camera")
Soft Box Lighting (3 for 1 price)
55" Camera Tripod


I will usually film with my DSLR & since it doesn't have a flip screen view finder I will plug it up to my laptop using the USB cord that came with the camera, as well as the EOS Utility software that I've downloaded onto my laptop. So I have "remote" access to my camera from my laptop screen which is cool if you ask me!
But recently it's been easier to just pull out my Canon G7 X Mark ii and use that. (life's been busy & if I can find an easy way out I'm going to lol)
& most of the time I will use my tripod for both cameras, unless of course I'm "vlogging" and just holding the camera myself.
I will usually only set up 1 of my soft box lights right in front of me, and to the side or behind the camera. If it's super dark or if I'm using my DSLR I will set up my over head soft box, and the 1 in front of me. I like for my videos to be bright but warm at the same time.

I use Windows Movie Maker to edit all of my videos, I have played around with it for enough years that it's easier for me to use. Now, I would love to have Final Cut Pro, or Adobe Premier Pro but you know, your girl's cheap. You don't have to purchase or upgrade your software unless you really just can or want to.
I also use Film Maker Pro on my iPhone to make my intro & outro slides, basically anything that I need text on that's not the actual footage I will use Film Maker Pro.

I use PicMonkey& love love love it! They have this thing on there now where you can select a templet that is the exact size you need for your thumbnail, so that's super convenient. Any way, after selecting that templet I will add an overlay of what ever picture I have chosen to use for my thumbnail. I will size it up and fade the picture by 10%. Now for the good part, the fonts I use! So I use 2 different fonts on every thumbnail. The 1st one I downloaded off of dafont called "Gabriel Weiss Friends" & the other is from Picmonkey's fonts called "Antonio" I always add in the drop shadow effect on both of the fonts but for the "Antonio" font I will adjust the settings just a bit:
Distance- 0
Angle- 0
Fade- 0%
Intensity: 100%
Horizontal Blur: 10-12
Vertical Blur: 10-12

& that's the way (uh huh uh huh) I like it.

So yeahhhhhhh, I think that's all I have to share with you about how I edit and film my YouTube videos.
I really hope it was informative and helped you some how or another. If it didn't and you still have questions don't be afraid to let me know!

Till next time,


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