Summer 2018 Bucket List

As I am writing this is it currently 90 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside and it's May 12, 2018.
When I was driving to work today I had the biggest urge to just take a right and go tubing down the Chattahoochee River. With every window down in my Dodge Avenger, Kalyn Nicholson's Spotify playlist "spirit animal" blaring at a volume of 25, with my hand hanging out the window floating on the wind that passed me, I realized that I want to be "Living my Best Life" especially this Summer. 
I mean is it officially Summer time yet? Probably not, I'm not sure... but it feels like it already is. And with that, I've already started making a bucket list of things I want to do this summer & I thought I would share, plus tbh Kalyn's latest blog post is about her bucket list & she just INSPIRES THE ABSOLUTE CRAP OUT OF ME! 

2018 Summer Bucket List: 

  1. Go trout fishing with my Dad, because even though he's 60 he's never fished on a river... what a weirdo (also catch and release as always!)
  2. Buy some pretty flowers & herbs to put on my front porch- & try not to kill them. 
  3. Sunbathe while listening to soothing music or even mediating (super simple & totally do-able but still making the time to do it can face some challenges.)
  4. Start my novel, where ever it goes
  5. Read 5-10 books! (Video coming this week-the week I actually publish this blog post-on the books I plan to read!)
  6. Take hiking trips with Andy & Chris, or just little adventures with them every other Sunday! 
  7. This one seems silly but hey, whatever! Redecorate my bedroom & bathroom. 
  8. Go to the beach!  
  9. Explore Atlanta, good food, good music, total boho vibes. 
  10. Take a yoga class-I've never actually done this... surprisingly!  
  11. Go to a lavender field
  12. Start drawing again, I haven't drawn since Christmas time & I miss it so much!
There we have it! Totally do-able summer 2018 if I do say so myself ("if I do say so myself, hold up" -Jay Z) 

What are your summer goals? I'd love to know, you might even end up inspiring me to try some of them! 

Till next time,


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