Boost Your Mood

We all have those times where we're just blah, or maybe even sad, mad, anxious, whatever. Sure, you can stay that way and just sort through the issues surrounding it or you can do simple little things to make you feel much better.
I know that for me I can get into these moods where I just really don't even care to wash my hands and when I realize that I'm in those moods I like to refer to this list of things and pick just one to pull myself out of this funk that I'm in...

  • Sunshine: Just sitting outside can bring so much joy and peace to you its unreal. Take a cup of joe outside and just soak up the sunshine & caffeine. Open your shades on your windows and let the little rays of happiness shine into your house, work space, wherever- I promise you'll feel more energized to get that cleaning done that you've got to do but just don't want to. Go for a walk, alone, with your dog, or even a friend... the sunshine alone will be beneficial but having a companion with you can clear some head space and help you see that "ahh it's really not that bad."
  • Music: I've said this before on my channel but I honest to goodness believe that music is one of the best forms of therapy. You can listen to whatever you want and it's going to make you feel some sort of way. But for this instance let's focus on happy, mood boosting music. Throw on your favorite Bob Marley track, press repeat as many times as you need to on Ariana Grande's "No Tears Left To Cry", play some music that makes you tap your toes to the beat... but don't stop there. 
  • Projects: Start a small project... hey I started a blog because I was feeling a sort of way! Small projects don't have to be something on the computer though. Do something you posted on your Pinterest but have never had a chance to try, paint that wall you've been meaning to paint, do something, finish something- I promise the outcome will be so good. 
  • Positive: Meditation is amazing for this, but you don't have to meditate per say. When you're just in a bad place mentally that can affect a lot of things in your day to day. Instead of complaining to yourself or to others, replace that thought of "eww" with a thought of "aww" like for example "I hate the way this shirt fits" instead say "these pants make my ass look ammmmazzzzzinnnggg" Just for 1 day try and replace every negative thought, word, and action with a positive counterpart... just see how much it changes your perspective. 
  • Writing: I am such a to-do list person it's not even funny, instead of writing out a to-do list write out a "reason I'm amazing" list or even a gratitude list. Heck, you don't even have to make a list, just get out a pen & paper and just start writing, don't worry about spelling, grammar, or making a lick of sense... just write. 
  • Interact: I know, I know, human interaction...ewwww. But for real, we as human need to have that interaction with one and other in order to survive. We're a dependent race, basically. Call someone you have been meaning to call, text you’re long lost best friend & tell them you love them, go to the store and actually ask the cashier how their day is going. Trust me, stepping out of your little introverted anxious shell just for a minute will make your confidence go way up, in turn making you feel so much better. 
  • Self-Care: I guess this whole thing is mostly self-care anyway, but still. Self-care is so so so important. Take a bubble bath, put on a face mask, do some yoga, read a book, put in a hair mask, just take a minute and freaking love yourself, because you're amazing... and you should know that. 
  • Movies: & if all else fails, there is always the option of putting on your absolute favorite movie, or favorite TV show and just letting your mind drift into their world. Same goes for books, pick up a good fiction and just lose you.  
All in all, each and every one of us has those "bad" days & it's completely okay to have them. Sometimes even you just need to have one of those days in order to make the next one even brighter. Never be ashamed of having "one of those days" but do realize that it will all be done very soon. 

Till next time,


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