How I Promote My YouTube Videos On Social Media- How To YouTube 101

Here's to the final video & final blog post in my How To YouTube 101 series! If you haven't seen the videos yet then just click here:

Today's post is going to be How I use Social Media to Promote my videos- basically the best things I've found in order to get the word out that I've posted a new video. Like I always say, I'm no expert in fact I'm not even at 1,000 subscribers yet but I have been at this for a while & I'm a book worm so I'm always studying on how to improve.

I'm going to do this in sections like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. & I'm also going to put them in the order that my YouTube Analytics say brings in the most views. So let's just get into it!

I will usually (not all the time, but most of the time) post a picture on my feed that's relevant to my video & caption it something cute or witty & then say "oh hey I posted a new video!" Then I will use the hashtag #linkinbio to let people know, well, that the link to the video is in my bio. Also, I use about 5-7 other hashtags that are relevant to the video as well as the picture- that way people know what they're getting into... know what I mean?

The next thing I do is put a story on instastories using the thumbnail I created for the video and saying "New Video #linkinbio" and I usually add a GIF or emoji to it just so it looks a little cuter.

By tagging the picture and story with the #linkinbio hashtag it's going to draw more people to that post through the link in bio tag on Instagram- which if you didn't know, you can now follow tags like your following pages & see a bunch of creators stuff in one spot!

So I'm not that huge of a Facebook lover, like I honestly want to delete my page and just post where my friends and family can see it, because I'm just not to concerned with growing my Facebook page like I am the other sites I use. That being said I still do generate a good bit of views from Facebook, I know it's mostly my future mother-in-law but hey, she's my fav so I'm cool with that.

For posting on Facebook I will usually add the thumbnail to the post and give it a cute description of what the videos about (or just use the title) I've found that having a short sweet description helps bring more traffic than just having the title & link on the post, but do what works for you! I always like to add Click Here to watch and the pointing down emoji (i think its freaking cute that's why I do it) & then just post! Ta-Da!

Oh & I always "pin" the post to the top of the page, that way it's the 1st thing my future mother-in-law sees when she clicks on the page! (Love you so freaking much!) Just saying I would be using my mom for this joke, but she seriously only goes on there to steal pictures of me and post them to her page & say sweet nothings about her only child... lol (also, love you so freaking too much, mama)

I'm such a noob at Reddit, it's not even funny. But this is the 3rd highest source of traffic I get to my channel using external websites. So basically all that I do after I've posted the video is go to the "share" button, click the Reddit icon, and pick a sub-reddit to post to and post it... nothing special here. Someone said that you shouldn't use your name on your Reddit account so I made up one and I'll never divulge that information... no reason why I won't I just won't. Yeah, that's all I do to promote on Reddit, and maybe someday I can update you guys on how I do this better- but for now, for this noob, I'm going to stick to this.

Okay, Twitter & Facebook are essentially the same posting styles...

  • cute description
  • link
  • thumbnail
  • click here (insert pointing down emoji)
BUTTTTT THENNNNN twitter uses hashtags a lot better than Facebook so I will tag the crap out of my post to gain more traffic to that post in-turn bringing more traffic to my channel. 
I will normally use the same hashtags (newvideo, youtube, youtuber, smallyoutuber, smallyoutuberarmy, and video) and then I will actually tag YouTube, YouTube Creators, & TheYTFourme and if I'm using any special products in the video I will tag the companies as well.... hey promotion is hard work lol.

& then of course I pin the post to my profile.

This one is so simple it hurts... all I do is go to the video once it's live, click share, click the Pinterest icon, and post it to my board on there. That's it! I've only gotten like 2 views from there so this isn't the biggest traffic source for me. Personally I go on Pinterest to find pictures or good blog posts that I can learn from.

Ohhhhhh, Snap Chat. Poor lonely Snap Chat... I barely even use this anymore unless Chris is out of town and then we snap each other constantly (mostly of Andy & what we’re eating but still) For snap chat I will just add the same story as I did on instastories just instead of #linkinbio I'll put swipe up and add a link to my snap chat. There, done.

That's all that I post to, honestly I don't know how to work Tumblr or anything else so for now this is what I post to to get the word out about my channel.
Self-promotion is the only way you're going to get ahead on YouTube so always believe in yourself and your creation, because even if you think its crap it's actually gold. (Reworded quote from the chapter I just read in Big Magic Creative Living beyond Fear- Elizabeth Gilbert)

Till next time,

- Em


  1. I really like your thoughtful suggestions for promoting one's videos on social media! I do use tags and Twitter and will Tweet the link to your video BEST PRACTICES FOR YOUTUBE How To YouTube 101 on my Twitter later tonight.
    I'm afraid I haven't uploaded any videos myself in 3 or 4 years. I got discouraged because many of my videos were wrongfully restricted. Hateful trolls false-flagged them because the gender association of the underwear I reviewed doesn't match my gender (sex discrimination). As a result, even though I've had a YouTube channel for 9 years I've only had about 184,116+ views of my videos and only have 213 subscribers.

    my blog
    my YouTube
    my Twitter


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